Boowa and Kwala are cleaning up... color their capes in red and the rubbish in.... rubbish colors...
In the Land of the Weeping Willow, Boowa and Kwala find the second pretty petal and give the weeping...
Turn on (and off!) the hot and cold water. Be careful, though. Kwala likes her shower WARM!
It doesn't seem to be scaring the birds too much... maybe it would if you color it frightning colors...
Boowa and Kwala have found a cute little kitten on the farm... color them.
Can you help Mummy Koala sew together the patches to make a bedspread JUST like Kwala would like it...
Guess which snail comes in first,second...
Kwala likes the look of Boowa's sandwich. Can you make one just the same for her ?
Siwa can use her Joker card only once each evening. How about you ?