Guess who has made magic drawing that is a girl one way up, and a butterfly the other ? Choose a way...
Six green frogs, sitting on a lilypad. What do you think they'll say ? Can you make the same noise...
Turn on (and off!) the hot and cold water. Be careful, though. Kwala likes her shower WARM!
Boowa and Kwala are giving food to their friend the caterpillar. He is VERY hungry !
A piece of black felt and a piece of string is all you need to look like the most dastardly of...
Siwa's dolls are moving house
Guess which snail comes in first,second...
Kwala likes the look of Boowa's sandwich. Can you make one just the same for her ?
Kwala's favorite cuddly toy is a rabbit. Boowa's is a shell. What is yours ?