Boowa is looking for his pyjamas.They are somewhere in Kwala's room. Can you help him find his...
Flowers absorb the color you add to the water. Mix them up and have fun making pretty flowers !
Turn on (and off!) the hot and cold water. Be careful, though. Kwala likes her shower WARM!
You shouldn't touch them, because they are fragile... but you CAN color them all sorts of bright...
Boowa has put Kwala's cuddly rabbit in the hutch with the real rabbits... Now Kwala needs to find it...
A great song to sing when you have done something all by yourself... and you are proud of yourself...
Guess which snail comes in first,second...
Ever wondered how we taste things ? How do we know something is salty, sweet, bitter or acidic ......
Help the snake charmer find his snake.