Boowa and Kwala are cleaning up... color their capes in red and the rubbish in.... rubbish colors...
It is time to sleep... Mummy Koala is singing a soothing lullabye for boowa and Kwala…
Turn on (and off!) the hot and cold water. Be careful, though. Kwala likes her shower WARM!
Boowa and Kwala have found a cute little kitten on the farm... color them.
Try to catch him as he floats around the screen.
Boowa is rowing. Kwala is enjoying the ride. Who do you think they will meet on the lake ?
Guess which snail comes in first,second...
Sing along with Boowa and Kwala... maybe you can cuddle along, too !
Kwala is doing her magic show for Boowa and Grandpa Koala. Give the show even more color.