It doesn't seem to be scaring the birds too much... maybe it would if you color it frightning colors...
Choose a costume for Boowa and Kwala. Then listen to their friend the green monster play a tune...
Turn on (and off!) the hot and cold water. Be careful, though. Kwala likes her shower WARM!
Choose his hair, eyes, nose, mouth and his trunk... Then print him out.
Make Kwala's field as pretty as you please with flowers and insects galore. Then ask her to take a...
Color the four butterflies symetrically (like in a mirror) ... maybe they will flutter away !
Guess which snail comes in first,second...
Boowa and Kwala have found the squirrel at home. Color them in before she invites them in !
Siwa is having fun inventing animal friends on her bedroom wall. Can you guess which animals she has...